Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Visualized Reality - Available Now on Kindle and Paperback!

I'm so terrified excited to announce the release of my new young adult dystopian novel, Visualized Reality!  It is available now on Kindle and paperback (through Amazon) and will soon be available on Nook and iBooks. 

After five years of publishing under a pseudonym, I no longer get to hide behind a fictional name.  It is truly a horrifying experience.  Friends and family smile and talk about how proud I must be to see my actual name on the cover of a novel.  Nope.  Mostly I'm just terrified. 

But I hit the "publish" button and watch in agony as sales begin reporting.  And now I sit, painfully awaiting reviews to validate myself and to quiet that voice of self-doubt.

I genuinely hope you enjoy this one!